AURW URP : Free Version (4.0)


This will be our last update in a long time!
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This is a free version, it's very simple but if you want do a small game is the indicated version.

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AURW HDRP: Free Version

Finally, after a yera, here's our HDRP version of A.U.R.W!
This is the free version, there are the shader and two scripts + Editor with documentation and how to find us + meshes!
The Graphics script is used on our demos, but if you want you can use it on your proyect. The UnderWater Effect Script isn't really an under water effect, we mean that there isn't any fog or distorsion, but this script changes a shader's value that simulates underWater, water reaction to sun.
There is an example manterial + demo scene
If you find any errors report it.

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AURW URP: Lite Version

This package isn't compatible with WebGL.
This package is one of two version of A.U.R.W., it helps with Androids (mobile phones in general) Games creation, there are some toggles in the shader which help to rendering and.
If you find any errors report it.
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AURW URP: Free Version

This package is only compatible with Universal Render Pipeline


This is a free version, it's very simple but if you want do a small game is the indicated version.
There's a documention where I explain in depth how it works
If you find any errors report it.
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